A Complete Guide to Plaza de España Seville: Top 10 Reasons to Visit in April

A Complete Guide to Plaza de España Seville: Top 10 Reasons to Visit in April
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Are you planning to visit Seville in April? If so, then you must add Plaza de España to your must-visit list. This magnificent square is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Seville, Spain. Plaza de España is not just a square, but a true masterpiece of architecture, art, and history. In this article, we will guide you through everything you need to know about Plaza de España, including the top 10 reasons to visit this charming spot in April.

History of Plaza de España

Plaza de España was built in 1929 for the Ibero-American Exposition, which was held in Seville. The purpose of the exhibition was to showcase Spain’s relationship with Latin America and to promote cultural and commercial ties between the two regions. Plaza de España was designed by Aníbal González, a prominent Sevillian architect, and it is considered one of his masterpieces.

Architecture and Design of Plaza de España

Plaza de España is a semi-circular square that covers an area of 50,000 square meters. The square is surrounded by a canal, which is crossed by four bridges that represent the ancient kingdoms of Spain. The center of the square is dominated by a large fountain, which is flanked by two towers. The square is adorned with ceramic tiles that depict different regions of Spain and Latin America.

Landmarks and Monuments of Plaza de España

Plaza de España is home to several landmarks and monuments that are worth exploring. One of the most impressive features of the square is the Spanish pavilion, which is now the headquarters of the government of Andalusia. Another notable landmark is the Vicente Traver fountain, which is located in the center of the square. The fountain features a bronze statue of Traver, a famous Sevillian artist.

Things to Do in Plaza de España

Plaza de España is one of the most visited landmarks in Seville and for a good reason. It is a stunning square that offers plenty of things to see and do. Here are some of the top things to do in Plaza de España:

Architecture in Plaza de España

Admire the Architecture

Plaza de España’s most impressive feature is its unique architectural design. The square was built in 1928 for the Ibero-American Exposition, and it features a combination of Renaissance and Moorish styles. The semi-circular shape of the square is lined with two impressive towers and a series of buildings that house government offices. The intricate details of the buildings, including the ceramic tiles and ornate balconies, make for an impressive sight.

Take a Boat Ride in Plaza de España

Take a Boat Ride

One of the most popular activities in Plaza de España is taking a boat ride on the canal that runs through the square. The boats are shaped like gondolas and are propelled by oarsmen dressed in traditional costumes. The boat ride is a great way to see the square from a different perspective and take in the stunning views.

Explore the Gardens in Plaza de España

Explore the Gardens

The gardens in Plaza de España are just as impressive as the square itself. The gardens are a mix of different styles, including French and Moorish. There are several fountains, ponds, and colorful flowers that add to the beauty of the surroundings. It’s a great place to relax and take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Visit the Museums

There are two museums located within Plaza de España that are worth a visit. The Museo Naval showcases the history of the Spanish navy, while the Museo de Artes y Costumbres Populares highlights the local culture and traditions of Seville.

Watch a Performance in Plaza de España

Watch a Performance

Throughout the year, Plaza de España hosts various cultural events and performances, including music concerts, dance shows, and exhibitions. The square’s amphitheater is a popular venue for these events, and visitors can witness the traditional Sevillanas dance or listen to the soulful flamenco music.

There are plenty of things to do and see in Plaza de España. From admiring the stunning architecture to taking a boat ride and exploring the gardens, visitors will not be disappointed. So, plan your visit to Seville and make sure to include Plaza de España in your itinerary.

How to Get to Plaza de España

Plaza de España is located in the historic center of Seville, and it is easily accessible by public transportation. You can take the bus or the metro to reach the square, or you can simply walk if you are staying nearby. If you are driving, there are several parking lots located in the area, but parking can be expensive and difficult to find.

The Best Time to Visit Plaza de España

best visited during the spring months, from March to May. During this time, the weather is mild and pleasant, and the square is adorned with beautiful flowers and lush greenery. April is considered the best month to visit Plaza de España, as the city is abuzz with festivities and cultural events.

Top 10 Reasons to Visit Plaza de España in April

1. The Weather is Perfect

April is the perfect time to visit Seville, as the weather is mild and pleasant. The temperature ranges between 15-25°C, and the skies are usually clear and sunny. This makes it ideal for exploring the square and its surrounding areas without worrying about extreme heat or cold.

2. Fewer Crowds

As April falls just outside of the peak tourist season, there are fewer crowds to contend with. This means you can enjoy the square and its landmarks without having to battle through hordes of tourists. This also means shorter queues at the museums and exhibitions nearby.

3. The Colors of Spring

Spring is the season of renewal, and the square is adorned with beautiful flowers and lush greenery during this time. The trees and bushes burst into bloom, creating a colorful and vibrant atmosphere. This is especially true in April, when the orange trees are in full bloom, filling the air with their sweet scent.

4. Seville Fair

The Seville Fair, or Feria de Abril, is one of the biggest cultural events in Seville, and it takes place in April. The fair is a week-long celebration of Andalusian culture, featuring flamenco dancing, bullfighting, and traditional food and drink. The fairgrounds are located near Plaza de España, so you can easily visit the square and the fair on the same day.

5. Holy Week Celebrations

Holy Week, or Semana Santa, is another major cultural event that takes place in April. This is a religious festival that commemorates the Passion of Christ, and it is celebrated with elaborate processions and parades throughout the city. Many of these processions pass through Plaza de España, making it an ideal spot to witness the festivities.

6. The Festive Atmosphere

The entire city of Seville is abuzz with excitement during April, and Plaza de España is no exception. The square is filled with locals and tourists alike, enjoying the festive atmosphere and soaking up the culture. There are street performers, musicians, and vendors selling souvenirs and local delicacies.

7. The Best Time for Photography

April is the best time for photography, as the weather is mild and the light is perfect. The square is also at its most beautiful during this time, with the colorful tiles and lush greenery providing the perfect backdrop for your photos. Whether you are a professional photographer or just love taking photos, Plaza de España is a great place to capture some stunning shots.

8. Cultural Events

April is a month packed with cultural events and festivals, making it an ideal time to visit Seville. In addition to the Seville Fair and Holy Week celebrations, there are also exhibitions, concerts, and performances taking place throughout the city. This means there is always something to see and do, no matter what your interests are.

9. Outdoor Activities

April is the perfect month for outdoor activities, and Plaza de España offers plenty of options. You can rent a boat and paddle along the canal, or take a leisurely stroll around the square and its surrounding gardens. There are also several parks and nature reserves nearby, where you can go hiking, cycling, or simply relax and enjoy the scenery.

10. Enjoy the Festivities

April is a festive month in Seville, and Plaza de España is at the heart of the celebrations. The square host’s several cultural events, including music concerts, dance performances, and exhibitions, during this time. Visitors can witness the traditional Sevillanas dance, listen to soulful flamenco music, and participate in various cultural activities.

The highlight of the April festivities is the Seville Fair, also known as Feria de Abril. This week-long festival takes place two weeks after Semana Santa, and it is one of the most important events in Seville’s calendar. The fairgrounds are located just a few minutes walk from Plaza de España, and it is a great opportunity to experience the local culture and traditions.

During the fair, the streets are adorned with colorful lights, and the air is filled with the aroma of delicious food and drinks. The locals dress up in traditional flamenco attire, and there are horse carriages, fairground rides, and music performances to keep visitors entertained. The festive atmosphere is contagious, and it is hard not to get caught up in the joy and excitement of the fair.

In conclusion, if you want to experience the best of Seville’s culture, history, and festivities, Plaza de España is the place to be in April. The stunning architecture, beautiful gardens, and vibrant cultural events make it a must-visit destination. So plan your trip to Seville, and get ready to immerse yourself in the beauty and charm of Plaza de España.


In conclusion, Plaza de España is a must-visit destination in Seville, especially in April. With its stunning architecture, beautiful gardens, and rich cultural heritage, it is the perfect place to experience the best of Seville. Whether you are interested in history, or culture, or simply want to soak up the festive atmosphere, Plaza de España has something for everyone. So pack your bags, book your tickets, and get ready to explore one of the most beautiful squares in the world!


Is Plaza de España open all year round?

Yes, Plaza de España is open all year round, but April is considered the best time to visit due to the pleasant weather and cultural events.

Can I visit Plaza de España during the Seville Fair?

Yes, you can visit Plaza de España during the Seville Fair. The fairgrounds are located nearby, and it is a great opportunity to experience both the fair and the square.

How much time should I allocate to visiting Plaza de España?

You should allocate at least 2-3 hours for visiting Plaza de España, as there is a lot to see and do in the square and its surrounding areas.

Are there any guided tours available for Plaza de España?

Yes, there are several guided tours available for Plaza de España, which can provide you with a deeper understanding of the square’s history and architecture.

Can I take photos in Plaza de España?

Yes, you can take photos in Plaza de España, and it is a great place to capture some stunning shots. However, it is important to be respectful of other visitors and not to disturb them while taking photos.

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About the Author: Jenny Kristy

Spice Seeker, Recipe Weaver, Nomad Chef |With a passport bursting with stamps and a pantry overflowing with global spices, Jenny Kristy isn't just a cook, she's a culinary nomad. Her travels fuel her passion, transforming exotic flavors into recipes that tantalize and transport. She weaves magic in her kitchen, sharing her adventures through meals that whisper of Marrakesh markets and Tuscan trattorias. From teaching sushi to whipping up Moroccan masterpieces, Jenny ignites wanderlust and connects cultures, one delicious bite at a time.

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